Thursday, October 20, 2011

ACM - Robots, oh my.

Anxiously doing final checkout of the robot
Today our local ACM chapter got our robot functional! We started with a pile of parts and somehow ended up with a robot.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life - One step forward, two backwards

The past couple days I've gained a little ground, then lost a bunch. I haven't had a ton of time to work on this due to other real life obligations, but I have major changes coming so I thought I'd update.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Game of Life - Step 1

I've completed and attached the first step to my "Conway's Game of Life" project! This allows for arbitrarily sized games, dependent on how big you can realistically synthesize n^2 D Flip Flops.
As you can see by the real exciting image on the right, I'm able to simulate a game properly.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A new project

Image by Digilent Inc.
I recently found myself with some extra time, and being that it has been a while since I've done a extra-circular project, I've decided to find something to do.
Last year in my Senior Seminar class I managed to create a small System on a Chip FPGA project based off the Hack platform in The Elements of Computing Systems. TECS was an amazing book and I would recommend it to anybody becoming interested lower level systems.
While building Hack was a challenging experience, I clearly see the shortcomings of my design.